Cyberpunk! argues for a study of our material realities is necessary, particularly at a juncture in time when discourse surrounding post-humanism is fraught, layered, and textured. It is imperative that we question the material work that disembodiment does (or fails to do). Its co-optation by celebrity capital culture speaks to the ease with which the ruling class is able to cloak their culpability in creating climate change, the exploitation of workers through capitalism, and systems of surveillance. Our bodies, one of the most fundamental aspects of our material realities, are inherently shaped by the raced, sexed, gendered, and classed perceptions already inscribed upon our physical features. Through interactive AR (augmented reality) technology and video, Cyberpunk! seeks to make visible what is occluded by post-humanism and reaffirm the importance of grounding ourselves in our bodies and in the present moment.